DMNA Bylaws

Bylaws of the Dudgeon Monroe Neighborhood Association Article 1 - Name and Neighborhood Definition

Sec. 1.1. This organization shall be known as the Dudgeon Monroe Neighborhood Association (DMNA).

Sec. 1.2. The area served by the DMNA is bounded to the North by the Southwest Commuter Path from Odana Rd to Regent St. It is bounded to the South by Monroe Street to Edgewood Drive, the UW Arboretum to the intersection of Monroe & Odana, and Odana Rd to the Southwest Commuter Path, as shown on the map in Appendix A.

Article 2 - Purpose
2.1. The primary purpose of the DMNA is to improve the neighborhood through

democratic citizen participation and involvement.

Sec. 2.2. The organization shall work to generate and sustain a spirit of neighborhood among area residents through appropriate means including, but not limited, to:

2.2.1. Foreseeing and calling attention to emerging neighborhood trends and problems; 2.2.2. Fostering neighborhood interest and participation in planning;

2.2.3. Providing means for widespread study and discussion of issues and questions pertinent to the neighborhood;

2.2.4. Educating both members and non-members of the organization, in the processes, problems and potential of the neighborhood's development; and

2.2.5. Speaking on behalf of those policies and programs that are judged by the membership, after appropriate analysis and discussion, to be in the neighborhood's best interest.

Article 3 - Membership
3.1. All persons aged eighteen (18) and over who live, are homeowners, or are owners

or managers of businesses in the DMNA geographical area are eligible to be members. Sec. 3.2. Annual dues for each household or business shall be set by the DMNA Council.

Sec. 3.3. Each eligible person whose household or business has paid current annual dues shall be considered a member in good standing.

Article 4 - Officers, Council, and Committees

Sec. 4.1. The DMNA Council shall consist of the officers of the organization, all eligible chairpersons of the organization’s standing committees, all eligible liaisons appointed by the organization, and not more than fifteen at-large members.

Sec. 4.2. The duties of the DMNA Council shall include, but not be limited, to: 4.2.1. Carrying out policies established by the general membership;

4.2.2. Establishing interim policy and taking necessary actions during the intervals between meetings of the general membership;

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4.2.3. Determining what matters the organization should consider;

4.2.4. Chartering standing and special committees to work on matters designated by the Council;

4.2.5. Establishing procedures for prudent administration of the organization;

4.2.6 Keeping careful minutes of all actions taken, and making those minutes available to the membership before each meeting of the general membership; and

4.2.7. Setting an annual budget, which may be expended by the Treasurer without additional authorization. The Council shall have sole authority to approve any expenditure in excess of the approved budget.

Sec. 4.3. The officers of the organization shall be:
4.3.1. The President, who shall direct DMNA activities, chair meetings of the DMNA

Council and DMNA Executive Committee, and perform other duties as required;

4.3.2. The Vice President, who shall assume the duties of the President at the request of the President, or during the absence of the President, and perform other duties as requested by the President;

4.3.3. The Secretary, who shall record the minutes of the DMNA meetings, and maintain all records and files required by the DMNA; and

4.3.4. The Treasurer, who shall administer all monies of the organization. The Treasurer shall keep detailed records and documentation of all income and expenditures and provide a written monthly report of all recent transactions. The Treasurer shall continuously make current bank statement(s) available to Council for review and shall present all records and documentation to the Council, as requested by the Council.

Sec. 4.4. The various classes of members of the DMNA Council shall be appointed to serve as follows:

4.4.1. The officers of the organization shall be elected by the general membership. Officers shall serve for approximately one year, from the end of the annual meeting of the general membership at which they are elected, to the end of the next annual meeting of the general membership, except that they shall remain in office until their successors have been duly elected or appointed. Any member in good standing who is not an elected public official may, with his/her consent, be nominated or appointed as an officer of the organization.

4.4.2. If an officer is removed or resigns mid-term, an interim officer shall be nominated by the remaining officers and approved by the Council to serve until the next meeting of the general membership.

4.4.3. Chairpersons of committees shall be nominated by the President and approved by the DMNA Council. At least one chairperson of each committee shall be a member in good standing of the DMNA. Each committee chairperson who is also a member in good standing of the DMNA shall serve as a voting representative on the DMNA Council. Chairpersons of committees may be removed from their office by the DMNA Council.

4.4.4. Liaisons shall be nominated by the President and approved by the DMNA Council. At least one liaison that DMNA appoints to each body shall be a member in good standing of the DMNA. Each appointed liaison who is also a member in good standing of

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the DMNA shall serve as a voting representative on the DMNA Council. Liaisons may be removed from their office by the DMNA Council.

4.4.5. At-large members of the DMNA Council shall be nominated by the President and approved by the DMNA Council. At-large members must be members in good standing of the organization. At-large members serve until the next meeting of the general membership at which officers are elected. At-large members should be selected to reflect the differing ages, interests, and areas in the neighborhood.

4.4.6. Any member or officer serving on the DMNA Council may be removed for any reason by a vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the DMNA Council.

Sec. 4.5. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the organization. 4.5.1 The Executive Committee may make emergency decisions and authorize

expenditures between meetings of the DMNA Council.

4.5.2 The Executive Committee shall keep careful minutes of all decisions made, expenditures authorized and actions taken between Council meetings, and shall report these to the Council at the following Council meeting.

Sec. 4.6. Prior to each meeting of the general membership at which officers will be elected, the DMNA Council shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of three (3) members in good standing of the organization. The Nominating Committee shall present a single slate of nominees for all officers at the meeting of the general membership. Further nominations may be made from the floor. The Nominating Committee’s slate shall seek to reflect the differing ages, interests, and areas of the neighborhood.

Article 5 - Meetings
5.1. General Membership Meetings

5.1.1. There shall be at least one (1) meeting of the general membership per calendar year, held at a place and time designated by the DMNA Council.

5.1.2. Additional meetings of the general membership may be called by the DMNA Council or the Executive Committee as necessary, or by petition of twenty (20) members in good standing of the organization.

5.1.3. Notice of a meeting of the general membership shall be provided at least one month prior to the meeting.

5.1.4. The contents of any item on which the general membership is to vote at a meeting of the general membership, including but not limited to amendments to these bylaws and a slate of officers for the organization, shall be made available to the membership at least one week in advance of the meeting at which the vote will be held.

5.1.5. Voting at meetings of the general membership shall be limited to those members in good standing and each eligible person shall have one vote.

Sec. 5.2. DMNA Council Meetings
5.2.1. Regular meetings of the DMNA Council shall be held at a place and hour

designated by the President in consultation with the Council.
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5.2.2. Special meetings of the DMNA Council may be called by the President or any three (3) members of the Council, provided that all Council members are notified at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of such a special meeting.

5.2.3. Each member of the Council, other than the President, shall be entitled to one vote on matters before the Council. The President shall only vote in the event of a tie.

Article 6 - Procedures

Sec. 6.1. Any member in good standing of the organization may attend any meeting of the DMNA Council or any of its Committees and participate in its discussion. Only members of the DMNA Council shall be entitled to vote on matters before the DMNA Council. Committees may establish their own rules for voting.

Sec. 6.2. The DMNA Council shall establish an agreed upon set of rules for conduct at its meetings. When no rule is specified on a specific point, the default shall be Robert's Rules of Order.

Sec. 6.3. Quorum at DMNA Council meetings shall consist of one third of the members of the DMNA council, but not less than six persons.

Sec. 6.4. Officers shall be elected by a simple majority of members present and voting at a meeting of the general membership. If there are more than two nominees for an office, there shall be a preliminary ballot with the two candidates receiving the most votes becoming nominees for the final ballot.

Sec. 6.5. All other actions taken at a meeting of the general membership require a simple majority of members present and voting. Any action that fails to receive an affirmative vote of at least six (6) percent of all DMNA members eligible to vote may be proposed for reconsideration by petition to the entire membership, provided that the intention to reconsider has been communicated to the President before the close of the first business day following the meeting of the general membership at which the contested action was approved. The contested action shall become void if a petition containing the signatures of ten percent (10%) of the members eligible to vote is delivered to the President within one week of the meeting of the general membership at which the contested action was approved.

Sec. 6.6. These bylaws shall be amended only at meetings of the general membership. Article 7 - Public Action on Behalf of the Organization

Sec. 7.1. No individual or Committee shall take public action in the name of the DMNA, nor shall any member represent themselves as speaking in the name of the organization, unless such action or speech has been authorized by the DMNA Council or by the Executive Committee.

Article 8 - Endorsement Prohibited
8.1. The DMNA shall not support any candidates for public office.

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Article 9 - Compensation and Conflicts of Interest

Sec. 9.1. Members of the DMNA Council shall not be paid for their participation on the Council. This does not prohibit payment of compensation to a member of the DMNA Council for services rendered to the Association in some other capacity.

Sec. 9.2. DMNA abides by a conflict-of-interest agreement. No member of the Association may vote on a decision to contract with that member, or with any immediate relative, or with any business operated by an immediate relative of that member. All members are required to advise the decision making body considering any such contract, of the existence and nature of the relationship.

Appendix A

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